📄️ Getting Started
Helpshift exposes a comprehensive set of REST APIs that can be used to access or modify core Helpshift objects along with a set of actions that can be made inside of Helpshift. This Includes the following core APIs:* Issues: APIs to read, write or create Issues in Helpshift* Web Messenger: Transactional set of APIs to create a full messaging/chat support client over REST* FAQs: APIs to read, write, or create FAQs in Helpshift* FAQ Sections: APIs to read, write, or create FAQs sections in HelpshiftIn addition, the Helpshift REST APIs enables read access to Agents, users and applications.
📄️ Using Helpshift APIs to Build Custom Support Solutions
**A developer's overview of the Helpshift web APIs**Helpshift provides you with a full set of integration APIs that allow you to automate, extend and customize your support solutions with Helpshift.These APIs provide an integration framework so that you can customize your support solutions for customers and Agents,automate your support workflows, analyze the information in your support system, or integrate any number of unique solutions into your support.
📄️ Using Helpshift APIs in Various Scenarios
We will highlight the various parameters available when Fetching Data using the Helpshift REST API
📄️ User Hub Bulk APIs
Use the Bulk APIs available to import your end users' data into Helpshift, and export current end user data from Helpshift.