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Getting Started

Adding Helpshift Widget into your website is really easy. Follow this step-by-step guide to finish your setup within a minute.


Helpshift’s Widget allows you to provide a both helpcenter and chat experience on your website. It just takes a small piece of JavaScript to embed a widget on your website.

Step 1: Adding the embed code

Add this snippet just before the closing </body> tag of your page:

(function () {

window.helpshiftWidgetConfig = {
platformId: PLATFORM_ID,
domain: DOMAIN,
appId: APP_ID,
widgetType: WIDGET_TYPE
}) ();

!function(t,e,n){if("function"!=typeof window.HelpshiftWidget){var i=function(){i.q.push(arguments)};i.q=[],window.HelpshiftWidget=i;var a,o=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];if(!t.getElementById(e)){(a=t.createElement("script")).async=!0,,a.src="";var f=function(){window.HelpshiftWidget("init")};window.attachEvent?(a.attachEvent("onload",f),"function"==typeof n&&a.attachEvent("onerror",n)):(a.addEventListener("load",f,!1),"function"==typeof n&&a.addEventListener("error",n)),o.parentNode.insertBefore(a,o)}}else window.HelpshiftWidget("update")}(document,"hs-widget");
  1. Replace YOUR_DOMAIN with your Helpshift domain. For example, happyapps if your dashboard sits at
  2. Replace YOUR_PLATFORM_ID with details found at Settings > SDKs (for Developers).
  3. Replace YOUR_APP_ID with details found at Settings > Your App (eg. Helpshift Demo App) > Publish ID.
  4. Replace WIDGET_TYPE with the configuration as mentioned here.

Above mentioned configuration like domain, platformId, appId and widgetType are mandatory for initializing the Helpshift Widget. For additional configurations refer here.

Step 2: Start using Helpshift Widget

Helpshift Widget is now available on your website.


Make sure Show Web Chat Widget is enabled under Settings > App > Web Chat.

Supported Browser Versions

The Helpshift Widget currently supports the latest versions of following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Mobile Safari
  • Mobile Chrome


If you are having issues with your Helpshift Widget integration, refer to the Troubleshooting section for further help.