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Deep Linking in FAQs

Using custom URL schemes to support deep linking in your app


All the public APIs in the SDK should be called after initializing the SDK via install API

Use custom URL schemes to direct users to particular link in your app from Helpshift FAQs. You can use these schemes to provide a more seamless experience for the user. For example, if your cocos app has a registration screen, clicking on a registration link in an FAQ can directly take the user to that screen.

Insert custom URL schemes in FAQs

When editing your FAQ, select the text and then click on create a link.


In the dialog that pops up, enter your custom URL and save the FAQ.


Deep linking is a custom linking URL that gives the developers the freedom to decide what the URL can do when the user clicks on a Custom URL.

In deep linking, you are allowed to set Custom URL schemes like myscheme:// For example, the URL myscheme:// (where faqid is the publish ID of an FAQ), will open up the relevant FAQ and the URL myscheme:// (where sectionid is the publish id of any Section), will open up relevant section.

In order for the developers to handle myscheme, they will have to call showSingleFAQ and showFAQSection api with the corresponding FAQ ID and SECTION ID respectively. You will then need to implement following things in your app to handle and take the required action.

For Example:

<activity android:name="<path-to-DeepLinkActivity>/DeepLinkActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="myscheme" android:host=""/>
public class DeepLinkActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Intent intent = getIntent();
Uri data = intent.getData();

String scheme = data.getScheme();
String host = data.getHost();

HashMap<String, Object> configMap = new HashMap<>();

if (scheme != null && host != null) {
if (scheme.equals("myscheme") && host.equals("")) {
if (data.getQueryParameter("faqid") != null) {
HelpshiftCocosBridge.showSingleFAQ(data.getQueryParameter("faqid"), configMap);
} else if (data.getQueryParameter("sectionid") != null) {
HelpshiftCocosBridge.showFAQSection(data.getQueryParameter("sectionid"), configMap);
} else {
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Invalid link to handle", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

To handle the custom URLs in your iOS app, first, make sure that your app's info.plist supports the custom URL scheme that you've provided in the FAQs. More information

You will then need to implement,application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options: in your, to handle and take the required action. For example:

public bool OpenUrl(UIApplication application, NSUrl url, string sourceApplication, NSObject annotation)
NSURLComponents *components = [NSURLComponents componentsWithURL:url resolvingAgainstBaseURL:false];
// URL is myscheme://
for (NSURLQueryItem *query in components.queryItems) {
if ([ isEqualToString:@"faqid"]) {
NSDictionary *config = @{ /* Helpshift config dictionary... */ };
[Helpshift showSingleFAQ:query.value withViewController:self.window.rootViewController withConfig:config];