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Track events and user actions when the user starts a new conversation. Attach custom metadata to every conversation started via the SDK.

Adding Tags to Conversations

You can attach tags while reporting an issue by passing them to the tags parameter at the time of calling showConversation function. You can pass an array of strings which will get added as tags when the issue is created.

Pass this Map to showConversation API. For eg:

const config = {
tags: {"foo", "bar"},

Similarly, you can pass this configuration to other APIs (ie. showConversation, showFAQsWithConfig, showFAQSectionWithConfig).


On tag names & compatibility

  • Tags must be pre-created in the Helpshift Dashboard (Settings → Tags), otherwise, they will be ignored.
  • The attached tags must exactly match the tags present on the dashboard.

Set Custom Metadata

If you want to set Custom Metadata at the time of Issue creation, follow the steps.

  1. Define your custom metadata Map as key-value pairs.
  2. Add the custom metadata Map in the map expected in the Parameters argument with customMetadata as the key.

Pass this Map to the following APIs:

showConversation API,

const customMetadata = { usertype:'paid', level:'7', score: '1505' } };
const config = {
customMetadata: customMetadata,

showFAQsWithConfig API,

const customMetadata = { usertype:'paid', level:'7', score: '1505' } };
const config = {
customMetadata: customMetadata,

showFAQSectionWithConfig API

const customMetadata = { usertype:'paid', level:'7', score: '1505' } };
const config = {
customMetadata: customMetadata,

Set Custom Issue Fields

If you want to set Custom Issue Fields at the time of Issue creation, follow the steps.

  1. Initialise a top-level custom issue fields Map
  2. Define your custom issue field Map
  3. Add the "type" and "value" for that custom issue field

Pass this Map to showConversation API.


const CIFs = { stock_level: { type: "number", value: "1505" } };
const config = {
cifs: CIFs,
The "customIssueFields" key has been deprecated. We strongly recommend transitioning to using the "cifs" key as the preferred method for passing custom issue fields.

Similarly, you can pass this Map to other APIs (ie. showConversation, showFAQsWithConfig, showFAQSectionWithConfig).

The following are the valid values for the type key of a Custom Issue Field.

  • "singleline"
  • "multiline"
  • "number"
  • "checkbox"
  • "dropdown"
  • "date"

Compatibility table for type and values:

singlelinestringCharacter limit of 255
multilinestringCharacter limit of 100,000
dropdownstringDrop-down options should exist for the given Custom Issue Field
dateDateTimeEpoch time. For example -

On Custom Issue Fields keys & compatibility

  • Custom Issue Fields must be created in the Helpshift Dashboard (Settings → Custom Issue Fields), otherwise they will be ignored. Read more here

Breadcrumbs can be used to track events or end-user actions. It helps you to add debugging information regarding end-user actions, which will be passed along with every new conversation on Helpshift’s Agent Dashboard. To leave breadcrumbs can use leaveBreadCrumb API and pass a string to it. For example -

import {
} from 'helpshift-plugin-sdkx-react-native';


Breadcrumbs are collected within the set breadcrumb limit. The limit is set under the SDK Configurations section for App Settings in the Helpshift’s Agent Dashboard. Breadcrumbs are collected in a FIFO queue. If you want to clear the breadcrumbs, use the clearBreadcrumbs API. For example -

import { clearBreadcrumbs } from "helpshift-plugin-sdkx-react-native";


In the Breadcrumbs and Debug logs APIs, the passing of formatted strings is NOT supported. It is recommended to pass data only in a simple String format.

For example:

  • "{\"key\":\"value\"}" - JSON String, This is NOT supported
  • "key - value" - Simple string, This is supported

Debug Logs

You may wish to pass additional debug logs with every new conversation filed by an end-user on Helpshift’s Agent Dashboard. So, HelpshiftLog class and its methods provide varying degrees of logging - Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, and Error. For example, if you want to attach debug level log -

import { HelpshiftLog } from "helpshift-plugin-sdkx-react-native";

const tag = "Tag";
const debugMsg = "Debug Message";

if (logLevel == "Verbose") {
HelpshiftLog.v(tag, debugMsg);
} else if (logLevel == "Debug") {
HelpshiftLog.d(tag, debugMsg);
} else if (logLevel == "Info") {
HelpshiftLog.i(tag, debugMsg);
} else if (logLevel == "Warn") {
HelpshiftLog.w(tag, debugMsg);
} else if (logLevel == "Error") {
HelpshiftLog.e(tag, debugMsg);

Debug logs are collected within the set debug logs limit. The limit is set under the SDK Configurations section for App Settings in the Helpshift’s Agent Dashboard. Debug logs are collected in a FIFO queue.