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Helpshift APIs

Helpshift provides a way to use each functional element of the SDK separately based on your requirements.

Integrating Contact Us & In App Messaging


You can use this API call to allow a user to directly send feedback or start a new conversation without having to first view FAQs.

This API call will show the conversation screen. Once a conversation is started, it will continue until it is resolved or rejected by the agent on Helpshift Dashboard.

To configure SDK, you can pass various config options as a parameter as mentioned below. Checkout more config options here

Integrating FAQs


You can use this API to provide a way for the user to invoke the purpose-built help/support section in your app. This is the easiest approach to enable help in your app as it bundles all the capabilities of the Helpshift SDK in a simple and intuitive interface. You can wire this API call to a "Help" or "Support" action in your app.

To configure the FAQs screen, you can pass various config options as parameter as mentioned below. Checkout more config options here

Showing a Particular FAQ Section


You can use this API to invoke a particular section of your FAQs with its FAQ section publish-id

This feature works like a permalink for displaying specific FAQ sections as context sensitive help in your app. For example, if your app requires the user to login to using email, facebook and twitter, you could wire a help action on the login screen that can link to the Helpshift FAQ section called "Login help" which has several questions related to login methods.

You'll need the publish-id of the section in this case:

Showing a Particular FAQ


You can use the API to show a single FAQ. You will need to pass the publish-id of the FAQ to be shown to this API.

You'll need the publish-id of the FAQ in this case:

Closing an open SDK session

You can use the API closeSession to close an active SDK session. Calling this API will close any open SDK screens and invoke the corresponding lifecycle delegate methods. If no SDK session is active, calling this API will have no effect.

Getting the SDK version

You can use the API sdkVersion to get the current version of Helpshift SDK.

Set SDK language

For more info about this API and languages you can refer here

User Hub APIs

Our new Identity system - User Hub, introduces various APIs for managing users and their data. Refer to the linked section for details.