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SDK integration

Using AndroidX support libraries with 10.2.3 and below

Helpshift Unity SDK X uses legacy Android support libraries. If you want to use AndroidX libraries in your application please follow these steps to make Helpshift SDK compatible with AndroidX:

  1. We recommend to use the standalone jetifier tool mentioned here.
  2. To install Jetifier, download the zip file and extract it. Your development environment must have Java version 1.8 installed.
  3. Use standalone jetifier tool to manually jetify the Helpshift library file: <project>/Assets/Plugins/Android/Helpshift.aar
  4. Replace the existing Helpshift.aar files with the file generated from the standalone jetifier tool.


./jetifier-standalone -i <input path>Helpshift.aar -o <output path>/Helpshift.aar

Resolving AndroidX library dependencies:

Using External dependency manager

If you are using Unity Jar Resolver plugin to resolve support library requirements:

  • Update the <project>/Assets/Helpshift/Editor/HelpshiftDependencies.xml to only use the AndroidX library and remove legacy Android support library:

  • Your HelpshiftDependencies.xml file should look like -

<androidPackage spec="androidx.appcompat:appcompat:<version>"> </androidPackage>
Using Gradle

If you are using Gradle to resolve support library requirements:

  • Update dependencies section of the <project>/Assets/Plugins/Android/mainTemplate.gradle or build.gradle file to use the AndroidX material library as:
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:<version>'

After all these changes, ensure there are no legacy Android support libraries present in your project. Build your app and verify if all the UI screens are working as expected.

Moved to AndroidX ( 10.3.0 and above versions )

Helpshift Unity SDK X has completely moved to AndroidX from 10.3.0. If client app is using legacy libraries then SDK X will not compile.

Sample Scene integration

If the HelpshiftExampleScript.cs script is not already attached to the HelpshiftExample.unity scene, then you need to manually attach it.

  • Open the Assets/Helpshift/Example/HelpshiftExample.unity scene in Unity.
  • Attach the HelpshiftExampleScript.cs script to this scene.
  • Save the scene.
  • Run on device and check.