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String Customization

Helpshift’s Legacy SDKs (SDK Version <=7.x.x) reached their end of life on 31 Dec 2022, and end of support on 31 March 2023. Please upgrade to the Latest SDKif you haven't already.

String Customization

Customize all the strings in Helpshift SDK's user interface

Before you begin

  1. Integrate Helpshift Unity Android SDK as documented here: Integration Guide
  2. Though optional, we recommend you to download and set up the Android Studio. Android Studio Setup Guide

The Helpshift Unity SDK zip folder includes the HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources, an open source android studio project, to customize theme and string resources according to your application.

The Helpshift Unity SDK includes a default build of HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources project i.e helpshift-plugin-resources.aar. The default aar contains the string resources for all the supported languages.

You can customize almost all the strings in the Helpshift SDK with additional internationalization options. For string customization please follow steps below :

  1. Open the Android Studio and import the HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources project
    1. If Android Studio is launched for the first time, select Open an existing Android Studio project and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Helpshift Unity SDK and select HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources directory.
    2. If Android Studio already has an open project, select from the menu File > New > Import Project and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Helpshift Unity SDK and select HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources directory.
  2. Find the resource-id of the string that you want to change. See String resources in SDK for the full list of strings.
  3. Navigate and open the HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources/helpshift-plugin/src/main/res/values-<language-code>/values.xml file and modify the selected string resource value in step-2
  4. Open the terminal window and run the following command: ./gradlew clean build
    1. Once build is executed successfully, the helpshift-plugin-resources.aar file is generated in HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources directory.
    2. Output path: [helpshift-sdk-download-path]/HelpshiftUnityAndroidResources/helpshift-plugin-resources.aar
  5. Copy the helpshift-plugin-resources.aar file and replace it with [Unity project]/Assets/Plugins/Android/helpshift-plugin-resources.aar file.
    1. Build and run the Unity project to verify your string changes.

Read Going International if you want to change the strings for a particular language or want to add a language translation of your own.

String Resources

String nameDescriptionDefault value
hs__help_headerAction Bar title of main support screenHelp
hs__question_headerAction Bar title for single faq screen
hs__new_conversation_headerAction Bar title for new conversation screenNew Conversation
hs__conversation_headerAction Bar title of the on-going conversation screenConversation
hs__submit_conversation_btnHelper text for the icon on the conversation screen to submit the conversation Submit
hs__send_msg_btnText for Send button in screenshot preview Send
hs__new_conversation_btnText for new conversation button when conversation is resolved by the userNew Conversation
hs__contact_us_btnText for 'Contact Us' button at end of search results. This doesn't show up if enableContactUs option is set to false CONTACT US
hs__change_btnText for Change button in screenshot preview screenChange
hs__done_btnHelper text for the icon on single faq screen to exit the session without submitting the ticket. This button shows up when showSearchOnNewConversation is set to true and user click on a search result faq. Done
hs__ca_msgText shown as a message when customer accepts the issue resolution
hs__cr_msgAuto-response message when the solution is rejected by the user in a conversation What else can we help you with?
hs__conversation_started_messageText for auto-response message when user starts a new conversation Your message has been received. Thanks for contacting us!
hs__question_unhelpful_messageText that shows below a single faq if the user didn't mark it as helpfulYou didn't find this helpful.
hs__network_unavailable_msgToast feedback for absence of network connection.Network not available.
hs__confirmation_footer_msgFooter text for messages indicating issue resolution Thanks for messaging us!
hs__confirmation_msgText for confirmation of solution for the user Did we answer all your questions?
hs__conversation_end_msgFeedback text when user acknowledges the solution by tapping "YES"This conversation has ended.
hs__search_hintSearch hint for FAQ searchDescribe your problem
hs__search_titleHelper text that show for action bar search icon Search
hs__new_conversation_hintHint text for problem description in new conversation screenHow can we help?
hs__username_hintHint text for user's name in new conversation screenYour Name
hs__email_hintHint text for user's email in new conversation screenEmail (optional)
hs__email_required_hintHint text for user's email in new conversation screen when email is required.Email
hs__chat_hintHint text for chat reply in conversation screen.Type your message
hs__search_footerText that shows up above contact us button at the end of search results. This doesn't show up if enableContactUs option is set to false Can't find what you were looking for?
hs__conversation_detail_errorMessage for AlertDialog if the user leaves the problem description empty. This is a slight attempt to prevent the user from entering gibberish Please describe your problem
hs__username_blank_errorMessage for AlertDialog that shows when the user leaves the name field empty in new conversation screen.Please enter a valid name
hs__invalid_email_errorMessage for AlertDialog that shows when the user leaves the email field empty in new conversation screen.Please enter a valid email
hs__invalid_description_errorTitle for AlertDialog that shows up if the user enters non-alphanumeric characters only. This is a slight attempt to prevent the user from entering gibberish Invalid description
hs__screenshot_limit_errorText for feedback toast that shows when the screenshot is too largeScreenshot size should not exceed %.2f MB
hs__sending_msgStatus text below customer's chat bubble when network is not available Sending
hs__screenshot_upload_error_msgText for feedback toast when screenshot upload fails Error uploading screenshot
hs__data_not_found_msgText for feedback toast when a showFAQSection API call can not access FAQs for the section's publishId or has been passed an invalid publishIdData not found
hs__network_error_msgText for generic feedback toast shown for SDK failuresOops! Something went wrong
hs__default_notification_content_titleTitle shown in the notification for messages from supportSupport
hs__notification_content_titleMessage text for push notification with single or multiple replies in for the conversation Click here
hs__faqs_search_footerText that shows below search when no FAQs are found. This show up if enableContactUs option is set to false No FAQs found.
hs__review_titleTitle for review reminder AlertDialogRate Our App
hs__review_messageMessage for review reminder AlertDialog.If you love our app, please take a moment to rate it
hs__rate_buttonText for rate button ("Rate") in review reminder AlertDialog to rate your app.Rate
hs__feedback_buttonText for feedback button ( "Send Feedback" ) in review reminder AlertDialog. This shows only when there's no on-going conversation with the end user.Send Feedback
hs__review_close_buttonText for close button ("Close") in review reminder AlertDialog.Close
hs__sending_fail_msgStatus text below customer's chat bubble when their reply is not deliveredFailed to send
hs__mark_yes_no_questionText that shows below every single faq to mark the faq as helpful or unhelpful. Was this helpful?
hs__mark_yesText for mark helpful button in single faq screen.YES
hs__mark_noText for mark unhelpful button in single faq screen.NO
hs__question_helpful_messageFeedback text that shows below a single faq after the user marks it as helpful You found this helpful.
hs__review_request_messageResponse message shown in the conversation screen when agent sends a review request from agent dashboardWould you like to review the App on Play Store?
hs__csat_messageText shown in the customer satisfaction survey view What's your feedback about our customer support?
hs__csat_dislike_messageText shown to hint the lowest rating Hated it!
hs__csat_like_messageText shown to hint the highest rating Loved it!
hs__csat_option_messageSeparator text, shown between the customer satisfaction view, andstart a new conversation view or
hs__csat_additonal_feedback_messageHint text for EditText, for user feedback on customer service Any other feedback (optional)
hs__csat_submit_toastText for feedback toast, when the user submits a feedback on customer serviceThanks for rating us.
hs__search_result_titleAction Bar title of faq suggestions screenSuggestions
hs__search_result_messageText shown in header of suggestion results shown when showSearchOnNewConversation is set to true Questions that may already have your answer
hs__send_anywayText for 'Send Anyway' button at the end of suggestion results shown when showSearchOnNewConversation is set to trueSEND ANYWAY
hs__could_not_open_attachment_msgText for feedback toast when no app can open the attachment fileNo apps can perform this action.
hs__file_not_found_msgText for feedback toast when user tries to open an attachment file which is not availableFile not found
hs__description_invalid_length_errorText for alertdialog displayed when the user tries to submit the ticket with issue text length less than the minimum required length. Please describe further so that we can help better
hs__attach_screenshot_btnContent Description for attach button shown when agent requests for an attachment file ATTACH
hs__could_not_reach_support_msgText shown on Snackbar when user is filing new issue and support is unreachable Unable to reach support
hs__faq_fetching_fail_messageText shown in the activity when app fails to fetch FAQs from server Unable to load FAQs at this moment. Please retry in a while…
hs__fetching_faqs_messageText displayed at start of session, when FAQs are being loaded Getting your answers…
hs__issue_archival_messageText shown at the botton of a conversation if it is archivedSorry! This conversation was closed due to inactivity. Please start a new conversation with our agents.
hs__no_search_results_messageText shown when search for a query returns no results Whoops! We couldn't find anything for query
hs__permission_denied_messageText in Snackbar when app doesn't have permission to access storageStorage permission is required to access screenshots and download attachments
hs__permission_denied_snackbar_actionText for button on the permission denied Snackbar, shows settings pageSettings
hs__retry_faq_fetching_buttonText for button shown on failure to fetch FAQs, to retry fetching FAQs from serverRETRY
hs__screenshot_addText for button in screenshot preview to add the screenshot Add
hs__screenshot_removeText for button in screenshot preview to remove the screenshot Remove
hs__select_a_question_messageHint text shown to user to select a question in dual pane UI on tabletsPlease select a question from left
hs__starting_downloadText shown on an attachment message in conversation when it's being downloadedStarting download…
hs__csat_rating_valueText for ratingbar where user can rate app with 1 or more starsClick here
hs__app_review_buttonText for "REVIEW" button when agent sends an app review request message to user in conversation REVIEW
hs__copyText for "COPY" button shown in context menuCopy
hs__message_not_sentStatus text below customer's chat bubble when their reply is not delivered, but sending can be retriedMessage not sent.
hs__permission_rationale_snackbar_action_label"OK" button text in Snackbar when developer hasn't requested for storage permissionsOK
hs__remove_screenshot_btnContent Descriptor for button in new conversation form to remove the screenshotRemove screenshot
hs__screenshot_cloud_attach_errorText in Toast shown when the image attachment is not availableError attaching screenshot. Please choose an image available locally on the device.
hs__csat_ratingbarContent Description for ratingbar shown for customer satisfaction surveyPlease rate our service.
hs__default_notification_channel_nameName for the SDK's default notification channel (Android Oreo and above).In-app Support
hs__default_notification_channel_descDescription for the SDK's default notification channel (Android Oreo and above).
string name="hs__ssl_handshake_errorText shown on error Snackbar due to SSL handshake errorYour connection is not secure. There was a problem in establishing a trusted connection
string name="hs__ssl_peer_unverified_errorText shown on error Snackbar due to unverified SSL peerYour connection is not secure. There was a problem in verifying its authenticity
hs__agent_message_with_name_voice_overVoiceover text for Agent or bot message if the name is also shownMessage from support by %1$s on %2$s
hs__agent_message_voice_overVoiceover text for Agent or bot message if the name is not shownMessage from support on %1$s
hs__user_sent_message_voice_overVoiceover text for message sent by userYour Reply on %1$s
hs__user_sending_message_voice_overVoiceover text for message sent by user which is still being sentYour Reply, Sending
hs__user_failed_message_voice_overVoiceover text for message sent by user which failed to sendYour Reply, Failed to send
hs__retry_button_voice_overVoiceover text for retry button to trigger sending a messageRetry Sending
hs__image_not_downloaded_voice_overVoiceover text for image sent by Agent which is waiting for downloadImage %1$s, Double Tap to Download
hs__image_downloading_voice_overVoiceover text for image sent by Agent which is downloadingImage, Downloading, %1$s of %2$s
hs__image_downloaded_voice_overVoiceover text for image sent by Agent which is downloadedImage, Double Tap to View
hs__attachment_not_downloaded_voice_overVoiceover text for attachment sent by Agent which is waiting for downloadFile, %1$s, %2$s, Double Tap to Download
hs__attachment_downloading_voice_overVoiceover text for attachment sent by Agent which is downloadingFile, %1$s, Downloading %2$s of %3$s
hs__attachment_downloaded__voice_overVoiceover text for attachment sent by Agent which is downloadedFile, %1$s, Double Tap to Open
hs__email_input_validation_errorError text message visible when user enters an invalid email address in portrait modeEnter a valid email address
hs__number_input_validation_errorError text message visible when user enters an invalid number address in portrait modeEnter a valid number
hs__landscape_email_input_validation_errorError text message visible when user enters an invalid email address in landscape modePlease enter a valid email address
hs__landscape_number_input_validation_errorError text message visible when user enters an invalid number address in landscape modePlease enter a valid number
hs__landscape_input_validation_dialog_titleTitle for the error dialog visible when user enters an invalid email address/number in landscape modeError
hs__network_error_pre_issue_creationError message visible when there is a network error just before bots are received on the chat screenNetwork error.
hs__connectingMessage visible when the SDK tries to connect to the server just before bots are received on the chat screen in case of a network errorConnecting...
hs__no_internet_errorError message visible in case the device loses internet connectivity while identity bot or QuickSearch Bot is in progressNo internet connection
hs__network_reconnecting_errorError message visible in case there is an error while identity bot or QuickSearch Bot is in progress Something went wrong.Reconnecting...
hs__authentication_failedError message title visible in case user authentication failedAuthentication Failed
hs__user_setup_retry_descriptionError message visible in case there is a network error while the user is on the setup screen just before the chat screenWe are still trying to reach support.Please wait.
hs__no_internet_error_mgsError message visible in case there is a network error while the user is on the setup screen just before the chat screenPlease check your network connection.
hs__tap_to_retryError message visible on the retry button when there is a network error just before bots are received on the chat screenTap to retry
hs__try_again_msgError message visible if the user authentication failedPlease try again later
hs__new_conversation_footer_generic_reasonMessage that is shown when the conversation cannot be continued due to an error Sorry, something went wrong.This conversation cannot be continued.
hs__landscape_date_input_validation_errorError text message which will appear when a user enters an invalid date format in landscape modePlease enter a valid date.
hs__date_input_validation_errorError text message which will appear when a user enters an invalid date format in portrait modeEnter a valid date.
hs__conversation_issue_id_headerText to show the conversation id information.Conversation ID : #%1$s
hs__messages_loading_textHeader text on chat that is shown when older messages are being fetched.Loading Messages..
hs__messages_loading_error_textText message indicating that fetch for old messages failed.Couldn\'t Load Messages.
hs__conversation_rejected_statusFooter text for messages indicating end of conversation.Conversation Closed
hs__conversation_redacted_statusText message indicating that this conversation was deleted by an agent.Conversation Deleted
hs__conversation_redacted_status_multipleText message indicating that n number of consecutive conversations were deleted by an agent.%1$d Conversations Deleted
hs__conversation_publish_id_voice_overVoiceover label for the conversation id information text.Conversation ID %1$s
hs__conversations_divider_voice_overVoiceover label for the divider line separating two conversations.Conversation ended
hs__jump_button_voice_overVoiceover label for the jump button on chat screen when there are no unread messages.Jump to latest message
hs__jump_button_with_new_message_voice_overVoiceover label for the jump button on chat screen when there is a new unread message.Jump to New Message
hs__picker_search_hintHint text for search in list pickerSearch
hs__picker_no_resultsText for showing no search results for a query in list pickerNo results found
hs__picker_options_expand_header_voice_overVoiceover text to expand list picker from a collapsed state%1$s, Expand full list
hs__picker_options_list_collapse_btn_voice_overVoiceover text to collapse list picker from a collapsed stateCollapse list
hs__picker_search_icon_voice_overVoiceover text to search for options in list pickerSearch list
hs__picker_option_list_item_voice_overVoiceover text when an option is tapped in list pickerSend, %1$s
hs__picker_search_edit_back_btn_voice_overVoiceover text to go back from list picker windowBack
hs__picker_clear_query_voice_overVoiceover text to clear query in the search input field in list pickerClear Query
  • The messages from Identity bot and QuickSearch Bot will be sent by the Helpshift servers, so they won't be customizable in the SDK.
  • First message visible to the end users is customisable from In-app SDK configurations page which located in Settings > App Settings section.

String resource declarations

hs__notification_content_title is defined as:

    <plurals name="hs__notification_content_title">
<item quantity="one">New message from Support</item>
<item quantity="other">%d new messages from Support</item>

hs__csat_rating_value is defined as:

    <plurals name="hs__csat_rating_value">
<item quantity="one">You rated the service with 1 star.</item>
<item quantity="other">You rated the service with %d stars.</item>