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Release Notes

Helpshift’s Legacy SDKs (SDK Version <=7.x.x) reached their end of life on 31 Dec 2022, and end of support on 31 March 2023. Please upgrade to the Latest SDKif you haven't already.

Release Notes


With the transition to TLSv1.2 on Sep 20,2021, connections to a Helpshift SDK via any previous TLS version will not work as expected. Specifically, this means that:

  • Helpshift SDKs will not work or load on lower-end Android devices (meaning, Android 4.x and earlier), because these lower-end Android versions do not support TLSv1.2.
  • End-users on lower-end Android devices will not be able to access FAQs, raise new issues, or access their past support conversations.
  • On a lower-end Android device, the mobile app that embeds a Helpshift SDK will be prevented from communicating with the SDK for any purpose. However, this disconnect will not cause any malfunction or crash on the parent application.
  • Use the latest sdk version.
  • If you have released your app with 7.8.0 version, we highly recommend that you upgrade to 7.8.1 which fixes an important migration bug. Refer here.
  • If you're currently using Android SDK v7.7.0 or v7.7.1 in your app, please update the SDK to v7.7.2 which contains some important bug fixes. Check release notes for v7.7.2.
  • If you have released your app with Android SDK v7.7.0 and v7.7.1 to production, please get in touch with us via support and make sure to upgrade to v7.7.2 asap. Apologies for any inconvenience that this has caused.


November 10, 2022

  • As part of Android 13 updates:
    • Added Support for App level language introduced in Android 13. Preference will be given to App level language, if set, over the device level language. Read more.
    • SDK will post notifications only when end user has allowed the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission. Read more.
    • Added support for READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, READ_MEDIA_AUDIO and READ_MEDIA_VIDEO permissions introduced in Android 13 for attachments. Read more.
  • Removed collection of ANDROID_ID, used earlier for internal analytics.

SDK will not ask for Notification permission, it will show notification only when end user has allowed the permission asked by the client's app


October 14, 2021

  • Fixed a crash caused by PendingIntent flag requirements expected on apps targeting Android 12 (API level 31).


September 2, 2021

  • Added support for customized feedback survey upon issue resolution. Learn more
  • Helpshift SDK is fully compatible with Android 12.
  • Fixed runtime storage permission request flow issue according to Google guidelines.
  • Fixed updating the app header title accordingly when SDK language is changed.
  • Fixed FAQ search for non-alphaneumeric characters.
  • Fixed exception when Search Button on FAQs is clicked on first app launch.
  • Fixed downloading of attachments sent with bots when storage permissions are not given.
  • Fixed Portuguese translation for resolution question string.


February 2, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where accessing user data from the database led to App crash in rare scenarios.


November 3, 2020

  • Fixed an issue where option pills were not visible to end user when New Issue Automation (NIA) assigns to a Custom Bot and the first step is a Get Info from User with options.
  • Fixed an issue where the chat screen was not shown on clicking a notification, it was just opening the app.
  • The issue where publish ID is not visible until user closes and opens the chat screen had to be re-introduced. This bug was reproducible only when showConversationInfoScreen custom config was set to true. It will be fixed in upcoming releases.



7.9.0 SDK Update

We found a Bug in SDK release 7.9.0 - Bot Options don't show up to end users when the Bot is triggered via New Issue Automation (NIA)

Note: The issue gets fixed when user closes and reopens the chat screen.

Action needed:

  • If you are planning to integrate or are in the process of integrating SDK 7.9.0, we recommend integrating with 7.9.1 instead.
  • If you have already released any of your apps with the affected SDKs and your New Issue Automation triggers options bot, we recommend that you upgrade to 7.9.1 SDK to be made available on November 3, 2020.

October 7, 2020

  • Helpshift Android SDK is now fully compatible with Android 11. We recommend you to use the latest SDK since apps using Older SDKs (<=7.8.1 version) will see the following degraded behavior for Helpshift messaging experience on Android 11 devices when the app’s targetSDKVersion is set to 30:
    • App will crash when user starts a new conversation from a form-based experience.
    • Image orientation changes on some Android 11 devices when the user uploads an image.
    • If the issue filing flow is form-based then menu items are not clickable on the form when the app is in full screen mode. View Impact
    • The menu items on FAQ screens are not clickable in full screen mode. View Impact
    • Hyperlinks are broken in Action card, agent message and user message.
  • Fixed a bug in which custom config named showConversationInfoScreen was set to true and conversation publish ID was not shown in chat feed unless user closed and reopened the chat screen.
  • Fixed a bug in which image attachment was getting pixelated on the preview screen while attaching an image.
  • Fixed a crash with embeddable fragments that would occur when user launches the app from recents menu after the Android System has already killed it.


August 10, 2020

  • Fix a bug where Bots with Action card were not rendered on migrating from older versions of the SDK.


July 08, 2020

  • Don’t allow user to respond to conversation resolution question or CSAT after a certain interval. The interval is configurable on admin dashboard. Learn more about re-open window here and CSAT here.
  • Added support for showing agent and bot personalized avatar with their messages. Learn more.
  • Added support to change title (Brand header text) for messaging experience from App Settings on Admin console instead of SDK string customization. The default value will be <Company name> Support, but you can change it to align the same with your current experience. Learn more
  • Added support for bot messages with a customizable link and title. Learn more.
  • Added a new delegate method that is invoked when user clicks on the action for a Rich Actions Bot. Refer here. Please update your code to implement this method.
  • Added a new design attribute for color of links in FAQ content. Refer here.
  • Improved UI for conversation started using Smart Intents.
  • Added search icon and clear button to smart intent search field.
  • Added check to ensure that Helpshift SDK fetches config at least once, before the user can see the conversation screen. This is done to avoid config mismatches which can lead to conversation behaviour different from the one the admins have configured.
  • Fix a crash that would occur when user launches the app from recents menu after the Android System has already killed it.
  • Handle conversation archival when user tries to upload an attachment on an archived conversation.
  • Fix a bug where the username was not updated on login for existing users.
  • Fixed a bug where toolbar title was overridden when using embeddable fragments.
  • Fixed a bug where styling for QuickSearch Bot suggestions was not working as expected.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where reply box was displayed along with resolution question.
  • Fixed a bug where FAQ screen used to flicker when Dark mode theme is selected.
  • Fixed a edge case crash which would occur when attachment upload and message sync would run at the same time.


February 17, 2020

  • Fixed a bug where the user data drops when migrating from SDK v6.x or below to v7.7.0.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the typing indicator was shown indefinitely when the user tries to file a new issue with smart intents if conversation history is disabled until the user reopens the chat screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the pre-fill text in the reply box, configured via conversationPrefillText API config, wasn't being updated if the developer updates the prefill text in later sessions.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the followup request was rejected if the user rejects the issue resolution question and closes the chat screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the image attachment message is shown as a generic attachment message bubble on the chat screen when an issue is filed with an attachment via form-based issue filing flow.


February 7, 2020

  • Fixed a crash in internal error reporting when developer initializes the Campaigns-enabled SDK with Support instance.
  • Fixed a bug where the attachment picker was not fully visible in landscape mode on the chat screen when an app uses android support library version less than v28.0.0.


February 5, 2020

  • Added support for suggesting AI-powered issue categories to your users at the start of a conversation. Learn more
  • Added ability for end-users to send files such as pdf, video, etc. during a conversation. Learn more
  • Added support for sending files via Helpshift bots. Learn more
  • Added support for bots to display AI powered FAQ(s) depending on the user message. Learn more
  • Added support for Helpshift error reporting. Learn more
  • The resolution question for a conversation would be assumed to be off until configuration set on Helpshift Admin console is fetched.
  • Conversation screen now occupies full width on tablet devices. Please note that the existing keys for changing padding are deprecated and will not be functional moving forward.
  • Fixed jitters in loading the chat screen UI when multiple attachments are present in the conversation.
  • Removed support for linkifying selective map addresses in agent messages thus reducing the file descriptor count.
  • Fixed a crash when the user clicks on a link in agent message and there was no suitable app to handle it.
  • Fixed a bug where the skip label for list picker bot was not shown on some tablet devices.
  • Fixed a rare bug when an InstallException was thrown if the developer calls the Core.install() and other Helpshift API from different threads.
  • Fixed a rare crash which occurred when the user changes the time/timezone on the chat screen.
  • Fixed a bug where, if the app excludes the storage permission from the manifest and the user downloads an attachment, the file is incorrectly downloaded as a ".bin" file."
  • Fixed a bug where the user could reopen an Issue by retrying the last unsent reply to a bot.


October 10, 2019

  • Added new themes to support Dark Mode.
  • Added new API for changing the Helpshift SDK theme at runtime..
  • Added support for embedding SDK fragments inside a host fragment.
  • Added support for customizing additional icons in the SDK. To view the updated list of customizable icons, refer here.
  • Added a new delegate callback displayAttachmentFile(Uri) which will be triggered with a Uri object instead of a File on Android 10 & above.
  • Added a character limit of 100,000 on user messages.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred when a user opens the chat screen containing an attachment message and hardware acceleration was explicitly disabled in the app.
  • Fixed a bug where a blank screen was shown instead of the FAQ content when opened through QuickSearch Bot for some languages.
  • Fixed a bug where the keyboard input type remains the same when a number/date input bot-message was interrupted by an agent.
  • Fixed a bug where the SDK UI was being displayed in the cutout area on some android phones with a notch.


September 6, 2019

  • Updated the rate limiting algorithm for getNotificationCount API. The API will allow one call when the user closes the conversation screen. This is to accommodate any custom requirements for showing the notification count in the app.
  • By default, hardware acceleration is now explicitly enabled in the manifest file for the SDK's ParentActivity. This prevents rendering issues of WebView on Android OS 5.1. If you're using embeddable fragments, refer here.
  • Fixed an edge case crash which occurred when the user files an issue for the first time and user authentication failed.
  • Fixed a bug where the prefill text shown in the reply box via conversationPrefillText API config wasn't being updated if changed in conversational issue filing mode.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where duplicate issues were being created in bad network scenarios.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the typing indicator was shown indefinitely when the user replies to a bot.
  • Fixed a bug where the QuickSearch Bot FAQ suggestions message wasn't shown as redacted while the user was on the chat screen.


July 30, 2019

  • Added support for targeting Android Q Beta 5 which includes support for the new scoped storage changes. Apps using Older SDKs (<=7.5 version ) will see the following degraded behavior for Helpshift messaging experience when they target Android Q beta: End-users will not be able to send attachments. End-user will not be able to view attachments/files sent by Agents.
  • Added support for messages and attachment redaction for SDKs. Messages and attachments which are redacted from the Agent dashboard will be removed from user's devices too.
  • Fixed an edge case crash that would occur when the chat screen is opened and an already downloaded attachment is not accessible by the SDK.
  • Fixed an edge case crash on opening any SDK screen when conflicting versions of support libraries are used.
  • Fixed an edge case crash which occurred on sending a message when both reply box and options pills would be visible at the same time.
  • Fixed an ANR which occurs in an edge case when searching through an FAQ which has a large number of media elements.
  • Fixed an edge case crash that would occur when user swipes through the FAQ sections view pager very quickly and "Don't keep activities" from Developer Options is turned ON.
  • Fixed a bug where the user incorrectly sees the authentication failure screen instead of the conversation if login API is used without email or userID and User Identity verification is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some network edge cases, the user wasn't able to send or receive messages if a bot was interrupted by another bot.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some network edge cases, user was not able to see the messages sent by the agent in the messaging experience.
  • Fixed a bug where the embedded media content was not visible in an FAQ on Android P and above.
  • Fixed a bug where the deep link to an FAQ was not working from another FAQ screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the image attachment wasn't visible on the chat screen when an issue is filed with an attachment via form based issue filing flow.
  • Fixed a bug where the user couldn't send the CSAT rating for a resolved conversation if conversation history was ON and if there was a login change between users.
  • Fixed a bug where the dot character at the end of a message (if present) would also be part of the link.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some network edge cases, the user was able to retry an older message which is not part of the running bot.


March 25, 2019

  • Introduced a new rich element for automation bots to let users choose from a list of selectable option responses if the number of selectable options is more than 5. For more details, refer here.
  • Introduced an ability for reducing the SDK size impact on your app further by only using SDK resources of select languages. For more details, refer here.
  • Users can modify their CSAT rating during the Feedback phase before submitting them. For more details, refer here.
  • Added a configuration option, hs__issue_description_min_chars for setting the minimum number of characters required before you can send a message in conversational experience. For more details, refer here.
  • Added configuration option, conversationPrefillText, for pre-filling new conversation's description in the conversational issue filing experience. For more details, refer here.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some network edge cases, SDK fails to download an image.
  • Fixed a bug where the user could reply to a previously assigned bot in the conversation.
  • Fixed a bug where in some network edge cases, the user can reply to a conversation while waiting for the next bot message.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Message Deleted" message text was getting clipped off from the right when using a custom font.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes other messages were shown incorrectly in italics, if a message was redacted.

Upgrade guide

To upgrade to 7.5.0 please refer to the guide here.


February 21, 2019

  • Added rate limiting in the getNotificationCount API which fetches the latest unread message count from Helpshift's servers. For more details, refer here.
  • In debug mode, public APIs in Support, Campaigns and Core would log an error if the API is called before Core#install API.
  • Fixed a crash which occurs when isConversationActive API was called when the conversation is resolved and the user rejected the conversation resolution question.
  • Prevented a crash due to Android OS 8.0 bug when using the screenOrientation configuration flag in the Install call.
  • Fixed a bug where the notificationSound configuration flag in the Install call wouldn't work correctly on Android OS 7.0 & above.
  • Fixed a bug, where in some rare scenarios, agent messages were not received by the SDK.
  • Fixed a bug, where in some rare scenarios, a user could not reply to a conversation if custom bot was assigned to it.
  • Fixed a bug, where in some scenarios, conversations weren't closed when the user rejected the resolution question and closed the conversation screen.
  • Fixed a bug, where sometimes, the getNotificationCount API would incorrectly return -1 when it should be 0.
  • Fixed a bug where the getNotificationCount API would incorrectly return 0 if Conversation History was enabled and conversation was resolved/rejected.
  • Fixed a bug where the isConversationActive API would incorrectly return true until the chat screen is opened if config for conversation resolution question is disabled.
  • Fixed a rare bug in the Form based issue filing experience in which the user was able to create multiple open conversations.
  • Fixed some memory leaks caused by launching of Conversation and FAQ UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the hyperlinks in CJK language messages were not showing correctly if the message text contained full-width parentheses.
  • Fixed a bug where an extra comma along side the date was displayed on the chat screen if agent name was empty.


October 3, 2018

  • Introduced support for Android P.
  • Introduced functionality for end users to be able to tap on an attachment that they sent in order to view the image.
  • Added Campaigns delegate callbacks for tracking when a Helpshift campaigns session begins and when a session ends. Refer [Feature is redacted].
  • Fixed a bug where the typing indicator would show infinitely and the user was unable to send new messages on the chat screen.
  • Fixed an ANR error which would occur sometimes when the Campaigns' addProperty API was called after the login API.
  • Fixed a NullPointerException crash that would occur when the user tried to access the Android System Services.
  • Fixed an edge case where a NullPointerException crash would occur when an end user tried to exit the chat screen while a view animation was running.
  • Fixed a bug where the date header view would show up multiple times in the chat screen when the device was in daylight savings mode.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the typing indicator would not show when a Bot was running.
  • Fixed a bug where the search icon would be missing on the FAQ screen if the "Don't keep activities" developer option was on.


August 21, 2018

  • Introduced functionality for end users to view their past conversations. This can be managed via an Admin toggle available in the Dashboard on the App settings > the In-app SDK configuration page. Review this FAQ to get started.
  • Introduced functionality for Admins to prevent users from being able to attach files in conversations. This can be managed via an Admin toggle available in the Dashboard on the app settings > the In-app SDK configuration page.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where if the end user sends an image attachment at the same time the agent rejects the Issue, it remains open on the end user side.
  • Fixed a bug where MetadataCallable was being called twice whenever an issue is created


July 10, 2018

  • Introduced support for Custom Bots.
  • Fixed a bug where the Campaigns poller was not stopped when the app is in the background.
  • Fixed a bug where a duplicate attachment was sent again if the user turned off the internet while sending was in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where the name field was not updated if the same user logged in again with a different name.
  • Fixed an edge case crash that would occur as a result of the concurrent modification exception.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple taps on a button would open up multiple FAQ screens.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the typing indicator was shown indefinitely during network connectivity problems.
  • Fixed an edge case crash that would occur when starting a new Conversation.


May 10, 2018

  • Fixed a rare bug where the user is stuck on a conversation due to race condition in network calls.


April 23, 2018

  • Introduced new updates to the in-app messaging experience. Here's our guide on how to onboard to the new experience.
  • Introduced a new and enhanced Login API for name, email, user identifier for your end users.
  • Introduced the ability to use the 'Email' field as a means of identifying users, so that email addresses don't have to be passed to the 'UserID' field.
  • Introduced 'userauthtoken', which is an HMAC digest used to ensure that the requests are coming from an authentic source (and not a malicious 3rd party). Refer here.
  • Introduced QuickSearch Bot and Identity Bot for in-app messaging SDKs.
  • Enhanced UI and support for voiceover.
  • Deprecated the setNameAndEmail(), setUserIdentifier() and the existing login() APIs. Please use the new Login API. Link
  • Deprecated the configurations conversationPrefillText, requireEmail, hideNameAndEmail, goToConversationAfterContactUs, showSearchOnNewConversation, enableTypingIndicator along with the Form-based Issue filing experience. All the details are mentioned here.
  • Changed the default value of showConversationResolutionQuestion to false and made it customizable from the app settings Dashboard.
  • Fixed cases where multiple Issues can be created or duplicate messages can be sent from the SDK in case of client network errors.
  • Fixed multiple SQLite database access errors by optimizing our data reads and writes.
  • Fixed a NullPointerException when clicked on “Done" from a FAQ from search suggestions and if conversationPrefillText was also set.
  • Fixed an edge case where messages were not being sent in Issues from the SDK.
  • Fixed a bug where the badge count for unread messages on the FAQ screen was incorrect if the Issue was resolved and the app was killed & re-opened.
  • Fixed a bug where image attachment does not work when the app doesn’t have READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission and when the user tries attaching an image and clicks on the 'cancel' button.
  • customContactUsFlows is now an unsupported config for the showConversation() & getConversationFragment() APIs.


February 13, 2018

  • Fixed an edge case where followup accepted/rejected messages were not being retried in case of network failure.


January 30, 2018

  • Fixed a rare edge case where users were not able to send or receive messages if an SQLiteException occurred at least once while the user's data was being read from the database.


November 13, 2017

  • Fixed some variants of a database SQLiteException occurring majorly on Android 4.x devices.
  • Fixed a bug where the dynamic form flow wouldn’t launch from a deep link on the FAQ screen.
  • Fixed a bug where an attachment sent from the Agent wasn’t visible if it was attached with a Request Screenshot message.
  • Fixed a bug where the resource integer value for hs__issue_description_min_chars did not change upon changing the language.


October 13, 2017

  • Added support for sending Custom Issue Fields when filing a new conversation. View
  • Added new Campaigns addProperty() API to support Long values. [Feature is redacted]
  • Added new dynamic form APIs, getDynamicFormFragment() & showDynamicForm() to support taking in the title of the dynamic form as input. View
  • Made improvements to the Campaign images downloading mechanism saving data for the user.
  • Added two new customizable color attributes for tab text on FAQ sections pager screen. View
  • Fixed a crash that would occur in some specific devices with missing internet permission error.
  • Fixed some ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions occurring when running in a multi-process environment.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur with support library v26 when navigating to a deep link from an FAQ and pressing back.
  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur when starting the attachment picking flow in some specific devices.
  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur while trying to restore a backup in a re-install case.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when an attachment selected from a gallery was changed and the "Don’t Keep Activities" flag was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the button to enter full screen mode in embedded videos wasn’t visible on the FAQ screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the user could reopen an Issue in cases where the conversation screen was opened from a notification within gallery.
  • Fixed a bug where Agent messages stopped appearing on the conversation screen in an edge case.
  • Fixed a bug where on passing null or empty values in the setNameAndEmail API didn’t clear the name & email fields on the Issue filing screen if a user draft was present.
  • Fixed a bug where the clicks on the attachment draft of the Issue filing screen were not getting disabled while Issue creation was in-progress.
  • Fixed a bug where two conversation screens could open up when launching from a notification in a case with support library v26.
  • Fixed a bug where the attachment icon was incorrectly visible on the information screen in an edge case.
  • Fixed a bug where passing null as the failure callback in the getNotificationCount API was leading to some errors.
  • Fixed a bug where passing the enableContactUs flag as Never, enabling showSearchOnNewConversation flag, and using showConversation() API resulted in the Send Anyway button being invisible.


September 20, 2017

  • Add support for notification channels introduced in Android Oreo. For more details, Click here.
  • Storage permission for user attachments is now optional. For more details on storage permission usage, click here.
  • Fixed a crash where downloading attachments would result in NullPointerException.
  • Fixed a crash caused due to Package Manager runtime errors.
  • Fixed a RejectedExecutionException crash occurring in some cases.
  • Fixed a rare NullPointerException crash caused when sending a text message.
  • Fixed a bug where embedded videos in FAQs would not fit on screen.
  • Fixed a bug where a Campaign notification with an open conversation action would do nothing if the user is on the Helpshift Support screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the conversation resolution question was not shown if the user was on the conversation info screen when the message was received.
  • Fixed a bug where subequent conversationPrefillText updates were ignored after setting it once.
  • Fixed a bug where updating the app and then using the showConversation() API would show the user's previous conversations (open or closed) instead of showing new conversation screen.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking NO in the conversation resolution question would not show the new conversation button sometimes.
  • Fixed a bug where setSDKLanguage was ineffective on Android Oreo.
  • Fixed a bug where the attachment icon in ActionBar would not disappear if 'Do not keep activities' in Android's developer settings was enabled.
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the user's attachment showed up as blank on the conversation screen if the user revoked storage permission while the attachment is uploading.


August 21, 2017

Release Notes:

  • Setting enableFullPrivacy API configuration to true will now hide name and email address fields.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when using Android support library v25.4.0.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when generating a signature for network requests.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when attaching a screenshot and disabling storage permission from the background.
  • Fixed build errors due to conflicting attributes in styles when using build tools v23.0.3.
  • Fixed a bug where the issue was sometimes incorrectly filed with anonymous name.
  • Fixed a bug where calling login() API immediately after install() call would crash the app.
  • Fixed a bug with Action bar menu items on Android support library v23.4.0.
  • Fixed a bug where search results on new Conversations did not clear if the end user accepted the FAQ.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Change" button in the image picker did not work after screen rotation.
  • Fixed a bug where the FAQ search would not work after screen rotation on Android support library v25.4.0.
  • Fixed a bug where image attachment did not work with Android support library v25.4.0.
  • Fixed a bug where the Agent Typing Indicator would not work after rotating device in Conversation screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the error snackbar view for unsupported attachments wasn’t shown if delegate is not implemented.
  • Fixed a bug where the error snackbar view didn’t get hidden in some cases after pressing back from a screen.


July 18, 2017

Release Notes:

  • Added support to show an animated indication on chat screen when an Agent is replying to the Conversation. View
  • Added support for Android O developer preview 4.
  • Updated design for Conversation screen. View
  • Added a new High Contrast theme. View
  • Added new key for customizing Typing indicator color. View
  • Deprecated APIs that take Install configuration and API configurations as Map object. View
  • Removed Helpshift class and all its member methods which were deprecated in SDK version 4.0.0. View
  • Fixed an edge case where the user might see multiple chat screens after clicking the notification.
  • Fixed a bug where the image was not getting cleared on tap of the Remove button in preview screen.
  • Fixed an edge case where the previous image draft was not getting cleared on enabling full privacy.
  • Fixed an edge case where the image draft was not getting cleared if the user left the new Conversation screen while the Issue was getting filed.
  • Fixed a bug where the message timestamp in the chat screen was not updated upon a change in the SDK language.
  • Fixed a bug where the image was always shown in Sending state if the app was killed during image upload.
  • Fixed some crashes due to SQLiteDatabase errors.
  • Fixed I/O streams leak in network call in some cases.
  • Fixed crash on using single quotes in login identifier.


April 18, 2017

Release Notes:

  • Added flag for showing Conversation info screen. View
  • Fixed some bugs that would cause the app to crash on startup.


March 28, 2017

Release Notes:

  • Added support for programmatically setting screen orientation for the SDK. View
  • Users can now view the Issue ID for an ongoing Issue by navigating to the Issue Information screen by tapping the icon on the top right of the Conversation screen.
  • SDK now supports logging to console. View
  • Added support for customizing FAQ list item height. View
  • Messages that fail to deliver can now be tapped to retry.
  • Introduced an API to check if a Conversation is active. View
  • Added a new delegate to notify when the Conversation has ended. View
  • Made image attachment upload more network-efficient.
  • Enabled TLS 1.2 as the default protocol for transferring data over internet for Android API levels 16(4.1.x) to 19(4.4.x).
  • Screenshot messages in Conversations now have timestamps.
  • Set max line limit to 3 for FAQ and sections list items.
  • The default value for enableInboxPolling is now true. View
  • Fixed a bug where Issue resolve requests could be bypassed because of failed messages.
  • Fixed a bug where 'Suggestions' title in Toolbar for FAQ search results for new Conversations was not shown.
  • Fixed a crash in the image attachment flow when "Don't keep activities" is enabled.
  • Fixed an edge-case bug where duplicate Issues could be filed by the user.
  • Fixed a bug where strings in the FAQ view were not being translated on Android N devices.
  • Fixed minor memory leaks.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the breadcrumbs and Issue logs were not sent to the server.
  • Fixed a bug where the cursor for a multi-line EditText was positioned incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug with filing new Issues when Proguard is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where Conversations with resolution questions delivered could be rejected multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug where the toolbar is hidden at times on the Conversation screen when the keyboard is visible.
  • Fixed a bug where the default value for enableDefaultLanguage was set to false instead of true.
  • Fixed an edge case that caused Agent messages to sometimes not load for users.
  • Fixed a bug where on some devices, "Was this question Helpful?" footer was shown after tapping on "Yes/No".
  • Improved handling of random database crashes.
  • Fixed an NPE in Campaigns for certain network failures.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple instances of Campaigns Inbox UI were being created.
  • Fixed a bug where push notifications for a Campaign were sometimes shown more than once.


January 18, 2017

Release Notes:

  • Fixed an ANR issue on clicking search icon when using android support library v25.1.0 and above.
  • Fixed a string localization issue in the FAQs screen which occurred on some 7" tablets.
  • Fixed a rare crash which occurred due to exceptionally large number of un-synced app sessions.


January 10, 2017

Release Notes:

  • Added support for setting expiry time to campaign messages.
  • Improved Syncing strategy for campaigns data.
  • Improved in-app FAQ search by making it faster and memory efficient.
  • Improved translations for SDK strings.
  • Improved Helpshift Log API to make it thread safe.
  • Improved SDK start-up time.
  • Reply box in chat screen now can be expanded up to four lines.
  • Fixed a bug where search keyword highlighting did not work on some devices.
  • Fixed a crash on Android N devices when opening attachments sent from agent dashboard.
  • Fixed a rare crash which occurred due to null arguments on launching the Helpshift screen.
  • Fixed a rare crash which occurred due to unexpected service wake-up on some devices.
  • Fixed a UI glitch in single question view on tablet devices where an unexpected vertical line was visible to user.

Known Issues

No.Known IssueSDK
Device OS VersionOccurs When & FrequencyWorkaround
1Clicking on search icon in FAQs screen causes an ANR when appcompat library version 25.1.0 is used. This happens due to unprecedented fragment lifecycle changes introduced in appcompat 25.1.0.Link herev4.7.0, v4.8.0All

Frequency: Always

Use appcompat library version 25.0.1


September 30, 2016

Release Notes:

  • Add compatibility for Android Nougat.
  • Add ApiConfig and InstallConfig objects instead of Map for passing config.
  • Add support for push notifications with FCM (Firebase cloud messaging).
  • Add support for custom fonts in SDK.
  • Helpshift SDK now supports two more Chinese dialects: 'Chinese - Hong Kong' and 'Chinese - Singapore'.
  • Improve search algorithm where some results would not show up for important keywords.
  • Improve translations for the message string shown to user when issue is archived.
  • Fix a bug where carrier name was being collected in full privacy mode.
  • Fix a bug where sometimes clicking on notification would show "new conversation form" instead of the ongoing conversation.
  • Fix a crash in FAQ screen when an image is used as window background in Helpshift theme.
  • Fix intermittent database crash due to KeyValueStorage db locking.
  • Fix a crash in issue reporting with hideNameAndEmail and login api for the following cases :
    1. Use login api with valid name and empty email. / Use login api with empty name and valid email.
    2. Set hideNameAndEmail flag to true.
    3. Click on send button to file an issue, SDK crashes.
  • Fix a crash in SDK with support library 24 for the following case :
    1. Integrate Helpshift SDK with support library 24.
    2. Launch any Helpshift Support screen (Faqs screen, Conversation screen, etc.)
    3. Rotate the device, SDK crashes.

Known Issues

No.Known IssueSDK
Device OS VersionOccurs When & FrequencyWorkaround
1Clicking on search icon in FAQs screen causes an ANR when appcompat library version 25.1.0 is used. This happens due to unprecedented fragment lifecycle changes introduced in appcompat 25.1.0.Link herev4.7.0, v4.8.0All

Frequency: Always

Use appcompat library version 25.0.1


August 18, 2016

Release Notes:

  • Support Issue Archival feature which will automatically archive issues which are in Resolved or Rejected state for more than 12 months.
  • Add strict validation for Helpshift Core's install(application, apiKey, domain, appId) API. This API will now throw Install Exception if there are validation issues in the key information.
  • Handle corrupt or unsupported file formats in In-App Campaigns.
  • Handle runtime revocation of storage permission for Campaigns.
  • Improve few string translations for French and Korean languages.
  • Support HTML entities in FAQs search.
  • Fix a bug where FAQ filtering did not work with embeddable fragments.
  • Fix a bug where image attachment orientation was getting changed on some devices.
  • Fix a memory leak in case of device orientation change.
  • Fix a stackoverflow crash caused by campaigns poller.
  • Fix a bug where custom deeplinks in agent's replies were not working on chat screen.
  • Fix a theme issue where "Send" button was not themed correctly.
  • Fix a bug where FAQs UI was not getting updated immediately with new data.


June 29, 2016

Release Notes:

  • Fix a crash caused by migration from 3.x to 4.5.0 when the application is using Helpshift's Login API.


May 18, 2016

Release Notes:

  • Send user-id and device-id with every new conversation to facilitate integration of the Support and Campaigns products.
  • Add support for notification when a conversation is resolved.
  • Remove SD card information from metadata due to data inaccuracy.
  • Add translations for Bengali, Bulgarian, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Latvian, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Persian, Tamil and Telugu languages.
  • Improve localization strings according to customer feedback.
  • Fix a bug where Contact Us config is reset to default on activity restart due to high memory pressure.


March 17, 2016

Release Notes:

  • Add support for Inbox functionality and rich in-app campaign messages.
  • Add config option for supporting Guided Issue Filing when user clicks on Contact Us from inside the SDK screens.
  • Add support for sending messages read status from the SDK.
  • Reduce init times of the Helpshift SDK by adding async queuing mechanism.
  • Fix a bug where error snackbar was not properly visible attaching large images
  • Fix a bug where video was being played even after the user exits the faq screen
  • Fix a rare NPE while launching Helpshift screens
  • Fix a db related crash
  • Fix a UI bug on issue reporting screen


December 1st, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Add support for copy/pasting messages in conversation screen.
  • Improved User attachment UI in conversation view.
  • FIX Image attachment bug with orientation change.
  • Add conversation started toast message.
  • FIX Crash IndexOutOfBoundsException and NPE while performing search.
  • FIX Incorrect Toolbar title for CustomToolbar with Embeddable Fragments.
  • Add CSAT hint text for "Hated It" and "Loved It".
  • FIX IllegalStateException in Faq screen.
  • FIX NullPointerException in Faq init.


October 30, 2015

Release Notes:

  • FIX HSReview crash, due to missing AndroidManifest entry.


October 29, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Added Android Material Theming and refined Helpshift UX and interactions as per the Google Material Design guidelines.
  • Added support for embeddable helpshift fragments.
  • Added support for Guided issue filing.
  • New SDK option for improving ticket deflection. Added option for CONTACT_US_AFTER_MARKING_ANSWER_UNHELPFUL to show contact us only after end user marks a FAQ unhelpful.
  • Added support for Android Marshmallow permissioning
  • showConversationResolutionQuestion flag's default value now has been set to true.
  • Introduced new com.helpshift.Support API to replace the older com.helpshift.Helpshift API
  • FAQ Search algorithm improvements
    • Improved the FAQ search relevance threshold for fuzzy match to make it strict.
    • Sometimes search term was not highlighted if it was with a prepending or appending punctuation mark
    • FAQs were listed twice in search results


September 25, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Add API configuration flag to enable or disable default fallback language.


September 10, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Added configurability to the conversation resolution flow by adding flag showConversationResolutionQuestion. See note below for details
  • Add API configuration option for filtering FAQ by categories.
  • Add translations for Ukrainian, Slovak, Hebrew, Malay, Danish, Greek, Romanian, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Catalan and Croatian.
  • Update the default text for New Conversation from 'What's on your mind' to 'How can we help?'.
  • Developers can now choose to skip the issue resolution questions (Y/N) by setting the key showConversationResolutionQuestion as No. This will lead the user to the CSAT screen after the issue is resolved by the agent. More details here.
  • Available in Portrait & Landscape
  • Default value for showConversationResolutionQuestion is set to No. If you wish to show the Y/N question after the issue is resolved, please set the showConversationResolutionQuestion to Yes


August 19, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Improved ticket deflection.
  • Reduce empty gibberish tickets.
  • Added translations for Arabic and Polish.
  • [Bug fix] On slow network connections, if user gets connection as null then we have prevented app from crashing by handling it and throwing proper failure message.
  • [Bug fix] Prevent app from crashing when intent is getting null in onCreate() of activity.


June 25, 2015

Release Notes:

  • FIX Edge case bug where screenshot could not be rendered after an automation reply.
  • FIX Attach Screenshot crash on OnePlus One device.


May 21, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Add API to set the SDK locale.
  • FIX custom notification sound doesn't work if custom icon is not set.
  • Add capability to toggle agent name visibility from admin dashboard.
  • Add capability to highlight matching term in FAQ search.
  • Add support for tags based searching in FAQ search.
  • Implement fuzzy string matching for FAQ search.
  • Add delegate for informing the developer of the unread messages count whenever Helpshift receives a new notification.
  • Bug fixes.
  • UI fixes.


March 16, 2015

Release Notes:

  • Add ability to handle and open agent side attachments.
  • Add ability to allow multiple users of the app to have isolated Helpshift conversations.
  • Fix truncation of URLs in conversation view.
  • Add delegates to track conversation related updates.
  • Add ability to support follow-up for closed conversations.
  • Add API config option for showing Helpshift screens in dialog mode for tablets.
  • Bug fixes.
  • UI fixes.


February 24, 2015

  • Add support for sound, vibration and light in notification.
  • FIX Do not allow movie files to be attached in conversations.
  • FIX Add compatibility for Honeycomb ActionBar.
  • Add string translations for Traditional Chinese, Slovenian, Hungarian, Czech, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai languages.
  • FIX Use HttpUrlConnection to fix conflict with OkHTTP library.


Decemeber 04, 2014

  • Bug fixes for the Session delegates code
  • Bug fixes
  • UI fixes


November 25, 2014

Release notes:

  • Update the theming capabilities for the SDK.
  • Add accessibility labels for all the SDK actions.
  • Add Helpshift delegate for tracking begin and end sessions.
  • Remove BuildConfig.class from Helpshift.jar to avoid conflict.
  • Bug fixes
  • UI fixes


October 7, 2014

Release notes:

  • Added an API option "showSearchOnNewConversation" which when enabled will enhance ticket avoidance by suggesting relevant FAQs to the users before they start a new conversation.
  • Added an API option "enableFullPrivacy" which when enabled will restrict the user from attaching a screenshot and from sending personally identifiable information in meta-data.
  • UI fixes.
  • Bug fixes.


September 02, 2014

Release notes:

  • Added support for Customer satisfaction survey, which prompts your app users to rate their customer support experience with your agents.
  • Agent names will now be visible in an ongoing conversation.
  • Added a API option, "conversationPrefillText", for prefilling new conversation description.
  • Added a API option, "hideNameAndEmail", for conditionally hiding name and email fields when starting a new conversation.
  • UX improvements for attaching screenshot.
  • Removed FAQ sync status.
  • Added support for deep-links in FAQs.
  • Bug fixes.
  • UI fixes.


July 10, 2014

Release notes:

  • Remove external dependency for apache commons codec.
  • Persist and use the most recent version of custom meta-data.
  • Persist the requireEmail flag value across all API calls.
  • Android L Preview compatible.


June 19, 2014

Release notes:

  • Add requireEmail flag for API config.


June 09, 2014

Release notes:

  • Optimized FAQ updates. Changes to FAQs in the admin are now updated and shown as soon as the SDK is opened.
  • Users can now directly attach screenshots while submitting new conversation or during an ongoing conversation.
  • New options for "enableContactUs" flag for ticket avoidance: ALWAYS, AFTER_VIEWING_FAQS and NEVER
  • "setNameAndEmail" API can now clear name and email if null is passed for both.
  • Automatic app rating reminder is now available alongside the manual app rating API.
  • Bug fixes
  • UI fixes


May 22, 2014

Release notes:

  • Refactor internationalized search code.


May 07, 2014

Release notes:

  • Added new app rating API (showAlertToRateApp).
  • Automatic review request is now removed in this release.
  • New conversation text and conversation reply text buffer is now saved as draft.
  • Improved conversation resolution (YES/NO) interaction.


April 03, 2014

Release notes:

  • Fix crash when attaching screenshot images from cloud storage


March 24, 2014

Release notes:

  • Reduced SDK size to 0.5 MB
  • Remove dependency on AppCompat library. Replace with indigenous action-bar support for older devices.
  • Add translated strings for Dutch
  • Change Question voting UI
  • Additions to configurable strings used in the SDK
  • Bug fixes


February 24, 2014

Release notes:

  • Fix review reminder popup mechanism
  • Fix do not show empty FAQ sections in FAQs pager
  • Bug fixes


February 10,2014

Release notes:

  • Add support for custom metadata in API config
  • Reduce jar size by removing unused classes via proguard
  • Add translated strings for Russian, Turkish, Korean and Japanese
  • Use SQLite for storing FAQ data


January 22,2014

Release notes:

  • Fix gotoConversationAfterContactUs flag typo
  • Deprecate HSIssueTagsKey and replace with HSTagsKey


January 09,2014

Release notes:

  • Multiple issues and inbox is no longer supported
  • The conversation interface has been unified into a single channel
  • New API calls for support tools and install method
  • Added Conversation Forwarding featur
  • New Rate/Review & Feedback feature
  • Strings for localizations updated
  • Fix UI for HSQuestion view