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Migration Guide

SDK X Unity plugin is a Hybrid SDK that helps you roll out innovation faster by enabling most of the updates over the air that flow to end-users without any downtime or app updates. This migration guide will walk you through the steps you need to take to migrate from the Helpshift legacy SDK Unity plugin to the SDK X Unity plugin.

Steps to migrate to SDK X Unity plugin

Migrate from legacy SDK Unity plugin to SDK X Unity plugin


Check migration support

Go through migration guide


Update to SDK X Unity plugin

Migrate code/features step by step


Test the migration

Validate the functionality

Unsupported features

We recommend to hold off on SDK X migration if you are currently using the following APIs/features -

These features are yet to be developed, and we may add them to our 2022 roadmap. You can reach out to to raise any query for the above.

Supported SDK Versions

A successful migration indicates maintaining users’ data and chat history when they move from one SDK version to another. We support the migration of the SDK Unity plugin from version 4+ to the SDK X Unity plugin.


Migration from SDK Unity plugin version < 3.x

We don’t support the migration from SDK Unity plugin version < 3.x. If you move to SDK X Unity plugin from version < 3.x, SDK X will function correctly, but the logged-in user information will be lost, and a new default user will be created. You can log the current user in again, but the corresponding data for that user will not be migrated. It will be treated as a new user in the Helpshift system.

Update Helpshift dependencies


  • Unity 5.5.6 and above.
  • Supported Android OS version: 16 and above


  • Remove the existing Helpshift unitypackage content from your project.
  • Make sure the following directories are removed from your project before you import the Unity SDK X Support package -
    • Assets/Helpshift/
    • Assets/Plugins/Android/helpshift-plugin-resources.aar
    • Assets/Plugins/Android/helpshift-plugin-wrapper
    • Assets/Plugins/Android/Helpshift.aar
  • Follow the instructions here to add Helpshift SDK X to your project.

Code Changes

If you try to build an Xcode project from Unity after updating the Helpshift dependency, you will get compilation errors. This is because some API method names and signatures have changed between legacy SDK and SDK X.

Helpshift install call

Remove the existing Helpshift install call and replace it with the following -

using Helpshift;
public class MyGameControl : MonoBehaviour
private HelpshiftSdk _support;
void Awake() {
_support = HelpshiftSdk.GetInstance();
var configMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();
_support.Install(platformId, domainName, configMap);

Refer to SDK X Unity plugin’s Getting Started guide for more information.

Helpshift install call configuration

The mapping of install config dictionary keys are -

Legacy SDK Unity plugin install config dictionary keySDK X Unity plugin install config dictionary key

All other deprecated configurations have been removed and are not supported anymore. For more information about install configurations, check the configuration guide.

Helpshift Conversation and FAQ APIs

The API signatures have changed. Update existing API calls with new ones as follows -

Legacy SDK Unity plugin APISDK X Unity plugin API
showFAQSection(sectionPublishId, configMap)ShowFAQSection(sectionId,configMap)
showSingleFAQ(questionPublishId, configMap)ShowSingleFAQ(faqId,configMap)
FAQ Filtering by tagsCurrently not supported
Guided issue filingCurrently not supported

For more information about Conversation and FAQs APIs, check the Helpshift APIs guide.

Conversation and FAQ API Configuration

The mapping of config dictionary keys are -

Legacy SDK Unity plugin config dictionary keySDK X Unity plugin config dictionary keyNotes
enableTypingIndicator-Moved to admin dashboard under App settings → Support Experience → Show Agent Typing Indicator toggle
showConversationResolutionQuestion-Moved to admin dashboard under App settings → Resolution Experience → Resolution Question toggle

All other configurations have been deprecated and are no longer supported. For more information about API configurations, check the configuration guide.

Helpshift User Management APIs

Replace the following APIs for user login/logout -


Replace legacy SDK login code -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();
HelpshiftUser user = new HelpshiftUser.Builder ("unique-user-id-746501", "")
.setName ("John Doe")
.build ();

with SDK X login code -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.GetInstance();
Dictionary<string, string> userDetails = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "userId", "unique-user-id-746501" },
{ "userEmail", "" },
{ "userName", "John Doe" },
{ "userAuthToken", "generated-user-authentication-token"}

We recommend that on migration to SDK X Unity plugin, you should login the active user again to avoid potential inconsistencies.

Other user management APIs have also changed -

ActionLegacy SDK Unity plugin APISDK X Unity plugin API
Clear anonymous userclearAnonymousUser()ClearAnonymousUser()

For more information on User management in the SDK X Unity plugin, refer to Users guide.

Design and Theming

SDK’s design and theming have been completely moved to the admin dashboard in SDK X. Please remove all calls to theming APIs and all theming-related files from your project. Removed APIs -

  • setThemes(lightThemeFileName, darkThemeFileName)

  • setTheme(themeName)

Theming can be configured from the admin dashboard. You can find more details in the SDK X theming guide.

String Customization

String customization is yet to be supported. It will move to Helpshift Dashboard. Remove all Helpshift SDK related string customizations done in your project as they will no longer reflect in SDK X.

Notification APIs

The API signatures have changed. Update existing API calls with new ones as mentioned -

ActionLegacy SDK Unity plugin APISDK X Unity plugin API
Register device tokenHelpshiftSdk.GetInstance().registerDeviceToken ("fcm-token");HelpshiftSdk.GetInstance().RegisterPushToken ("fcm-token");
Request unread message countrequestUnreadMessagesCount(isAsync)RequestUnreadMessageCount(shouldFetchFromServer)

The delegate method that receives the unread message count has also changed, Legacy SDK Code -

using Helpshift;
private HelpshiftSdk _support;
this._support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();

// Delegate:
public void didReceiveUnreadMessagesCount(string count) {
// your code here

SDK X code -

public class HSEventsListener : IHelpshiftEventsListener
public void HandleHelpshiftEvent(string eventName, Dictionary<string, object> eventData)
if(eventData.ContainsKey(HelpshiftEvent.DATA_MESSAGE_COUNT)) {
Debug.Log("Unread count: " + eventData[HelpshiftEvent.DATA_MESSAGE_COUNT]);
if(eventData.ContainsKey(HelpshiftEvent.DATA_MESSAGE_COUNT_FROM_CACHE)) {
Debug.Log("Is Unread count from cache: " + eventData[HelpshiftEvent.DATA_MESSAGE_COUNT_FROM_CACHE]);

Handle notification

To handle notification clicks, replace legacy SDK code -

public void OnMessageReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.MessageReceivedEventArgs e) {
IDictionary<string, string> pushData = e.Message.Data;
if (pushData.ContainsKey ("origin") && pushData ["origin"].Equals ("helpshift")) {
Dictionary<string, object> hsPushData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (string key in pushData.Keys) {
hsPushData.Add (key, pushData [key]);
HelpshiftSdk.getInstance().handlePushNotification (hsPushData);

with SDK X code -

public void OnMessageReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.MessageReceivedEventArgs e) {
IDictionary<string, string> pushData = e.Message.Data;
if (pushData.ContainsKey ("origin") && pushData ["origin"].Equals ("helpshift")) {
Dictionary<string, object> hsPushData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (string key in pushData.Keys) {
hsPushData.Add (key, pushData [key]);
HelpshiftSdk.GetInstance().HandlePushNotification (hsPushData);

If you are using push notifications, we recommend that you register the push token again with SDK X after your app has been upgraded to avoid potential inconsistencies.

For more information on Notification APIs in SDK X, refer to Notifications guide. For more information on delegates in SDK X, refer to Delegates guide.


The API to set SDK language has changed -

Legacy SDK Unity plugin APISDK X Unity plugin API

We recommend that you set the SDK language again on upgrading your app with SDK X to avoid potential inconsistencies.

For more information on internationalization in SDK X and a list of supported languages, refer Internationalization guide.


Replace the following APIs from the legacy SDK Unity plugin -


Legacy SDK leveraged metadata APIs to attach metadata to the conversation (Refer here). Replace legacy SDK code for attaching metadata with equivalent SDK X code -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();
Dictionary<string, string> customMetadataDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
customMetadataDictionary.Add("Level", "9");
customMetadataDictionary.Add("Spend", "46.55 USD");
customMetadataDictionary.Add("Device Timestamp", DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString());

Dictionary<string, object> configMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();

configMap.Add("customMetadata", customMetadataDictionary)


Legacy SDK leveraged metadata APIs to attach tags to the conversation. SDK X does not support metadata but supports attaching tags. Replace legacy SDK code for attaching tags -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();
Dictionary<string, object> configD = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> configMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();
configMap.Add(HelpshiftSdk.HSTAGSKEY, new string[] {"Whale"});
configD.Add(HelpshiftSdk.HSCUSTOMMETADATAKEY, configMap);

with equivalent SDK X code -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();
Dictionary<string, object> configMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();
configMap.Add("tags", new String[] {"Whale"})

Custom Issue Fields

Replace legacy SDK code -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();
Dictionary<string, object> configD = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, string[]> customIssueFields = new Dictionary<string, string[]> ();

customIssueFields.Add("join_date", new string[]{ "dt", "1505927361535" });
customIssueFields.Add("level", new String[]{"n", "42"});
customIssueFields.Add("name", new String[]{"sl", "John Doe"});
customIssueFields.Add("address", new String[]{"ml", "3346, Sunny Glen Lane, Warrensville Heights, Ohio - 44128"});
customIssueFields.Add("is_pro", new String[]{"b", "true"});
customIssueFields.Add("currency", new String[]{"dd", "Dollar"});

configD.Add (Helpshift.HSCUSTOMISSUEFIELDKEY, customIssueFields);

with SDK X code -

private HelpshiftSdk _support = HelpshiftSdk.getInstance();
Dictionary<string, object> joiningDate = new Dictionary<string, object>();
joiningDate.Add("type", "date");
joiningDate.Add("value", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());

Dictionary<string, string> stockLevel = new Dictionary<string, string>();
stockLevel.Add("type", "number");
stockLevel.Add("value", "42");

Dictionary<string, string> employeeName = new Dictionary<string, string>();
employeeName.Add("type", "singleline");
employeeName.Add("value", "John Doe");

Dictionary<string, string> address = new Dictionary<string, string>();
address.Add("type", "multiline");
address.Add("value", "3346, Sunny Glen Lane, Warrensville Heights, Ohio - 44128");

Dictionary<string, string> isPro = new Dictionary<string, string>();
isPro.Add("type", "boolean");
isPro.Add("value", "true");

Dictionary<string, string> currency = new Dictionary<string, string>();
isPro.Add("type", "dropdown");
isPro.Add("value", "Dollar");

Dictionary<string, object> cifDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
cifDictionary.Add("join_date", joiningDate);
cifDictionary.Add("level", stockLevel);
cifDictionary.Add("name", employeeName);
cifDictionary.Add("address", address);
cifDictionary.Add("is_pro", isPro);
cifDictionary.Add("currency", currency);

Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("cifs", cifMap);
_support.ShowFAQs(MainActivity.this, config);
The "customIssueFields" key has been deprecated. We strongly recommend transitioning to using the "cifs" key as the preferred method for passing custom issue fields.

The APIs for breadcrumbs have changed -

ActionLegacy SDK Unity plugin APISDK X Unity plugin API
Leave breadcrumbsleaveBreadCrumb(breadCrumb)LeaveBreadcrumb(breadcrumb)
Clear breadcrumbsclearBreadCrumbs()ClearBreadcrumbs()

Debug Logs

The API signature for adding debug log hasn’t changed. We have the same class named as HelpshiftLog in SDK X Unity plugin for adding logs. You can use its methods for adding logs. You can find more details in the Tracking guide.

Helpshift Delegates

The API to register Helpshift delegate has been changed -

Legacy SDK Unity plugin APISDK X Unity plugin API

Each SDK event had a separate method in the legacy SDK Unity plugin. In SDK X Unity plugin, all events are received in the delegate’s HandleHelpshiftEvent(eventName,eventData) method. For a list of events, refer to this guide.

Legacy SDK Unity plugin methods that are unsupported in SDK X Unity plugin and don't have a corresponding event are -

  • userClickOnAction(serializedJSONUserActionData)

  • displayAttachmentFile(path)

  • didCheckIfConversationActive(isActive)

Reviews & Feedback

App Review by an agent is supported in SDK X. You can learn more about this feature here

Following have been deprecated in SDK X:


Compilation errors after upgrading to SDK X Unity plugin

  • For supported APIs or configurations, make sure you have replaced all legacy SDK Unity plugin code with the corresponding SDK X Unity plugin code as mentioned in this guide.

  • For unsupported APIs or configurations, make sure you have removed all legacy SDK Unity plugin code as mentioned in this guide.

Contact Us

If you face any issues regarding the migration from the legacy SDK Unity plugin to the SDK X Unity plugin, please contact us at