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Upgrading to 5.4.x and above

Helpshift’s Legacy SDKs (SDK Version <=7.x.x) reached their end of life on 31 Dec 2022, and end of support on 31 March 2023. Please upgrade to the Latest SDK if you haven't already.

Upgrading to 5.4.x and above

The Helpshift SDK v5.4.0 is a major update and we have made some important changes. For any queries or feedback, please Contact Us

Framework packaging for SDK

With version 5.4.0, Helpshift SDK is packaged as a dynamic framework rather than a static library. Please follow the steps mentioned here if you are migrating from an older version of Helpshift SDK.

Integration changes

  1. Delete the old Helpshift files from your Assets directory and then import the new unitypackage.
  2. If you have customized Helpshift theming plist files, make a copy of them before deleting the old files.
  3. Once you have imported the new package, copy the files to Assets/Plugings/Helpshift/iOS/HelpshiftCustomThemes, replacing any existing files with same names.
  4. Uncomment the line HelpshiftPostProcess.AddHelpshiftCustomThemes(project); in HelpshiftPostProcess.cs to ensure the theming files are copied in the final Xcode project.

Code changes

If you are using Helpshift headers in the generated Xcode project, replace their usages with the following -

  • Replace #import "HelpshiftCore.h” with #import <Helpshift/HelpshiftCore.h>
  • Replace #import ”HelpshiftSupport.h” with #import <Helpshift/HelpshiftSupport.h>

If you are app is using Helpshift delegates, call the HelpshiftSdk.registerDelegates() API to continue listening to the delegates. Call this method as early in the lifecycle of your game as possible. We recommend calling it in the Start() method of your game's first GameObject. You might already have this method call in your GameObject if you are using our Android plugin as well. In that case, simply remove the #if UNITY_ANDROID and #endif surrounding this call.