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Helpshift’s Legacy SDKs (SDK Version <=7.x.x) reached their end of life on 31 Dec 2022, and end of support on 31 March 2023. Please upgrade to the Latest SDKif you haven't already.



3.5.0 SDK Update

We found a bug for the following scenario - for SDK 3.5.0, when New Issue Automations(NIAs) are used to assign to a Custom Bot and if the first step in the bot is a Get Info from User step with Options, the Options don’t show up to the end user till they go back and come to the conversation screen again.

Action needed:

  • If you are planning to integrate or are in the process of integrating SDK 3.5.0, we recommend integrating with 3.5.1 instead.
  • If you have already released any of your apps with the affected SDKs and your New Issue Automation triggers options bot, we recommend that you upgrade to 3.5.1 SDK.

Campaign notification shows "Support" as its title.

Please make sure to set the "CFBundleDisplayName" key, in your application's Info.plist file, to the display name of your application.

Helpshift SDK uses the value of this key as the title of the notification. If this key isn't set then the notification by default shows "Support" as the title.

Known issues

No.Known IssueSDK
Device OS VersionOccurs When & FrequencyWorkaround
1Log collection api does not send logs along with issues when the assemble name and application names are differentv2.0.0N/AIf the assembly name and the application do not match exactly then log collection does not report logs along with the issue on admin dashboard. This is a limitation on log collection queries on iOS devices.Keep the assembly name of the application same as the application name.