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Helpshift’s Legacy SDKs (SDK Version <=7.x.x) reached their end of life on 31 Dec 2022, and end of support on 31 March 2023. Please upgrade to the Latest SDKif you haven't already.


Track events and user actions when the user starts a new conversation. Attach custom metadata to every conversation started via the SDK.

Name and email


This API is now deprecated with SDK v7.0.

It is expected that you will pass the user's name, email or, user identifier using the login API.

Also, please note that this API will not work with the Conversational Experience. However, there will no impact on older SDK versions. They will keep on working as usual.

User Identifier


This API is now deprecated with SDK v7.0.

It is expected that you will pass the user's name, email or, user identifier using the login API.

Also, please note that there will no impact on older SDK versions, and they will keep on working as usual.

Multi Login

Details on user management are available here.

App usage

Breadcrumbs will help you track events or user actions and when user starts a new conversation, these breadcrumbs can be seen along with the conversation in the admin site. To leave breadcrumbs can use leaveBreadCrumb:

[HelpshiftSupport leaveBreadCrumb:@"Custom String"];

Breadcrumbs will be collected within the set breadcrumb limit. This is set in the SDK Configurations section for app settings in the agent dashboard. Breadcrumbs are collected in a FIFO queue. If you want to clear the breadcrumbs queue, please use the clearBreadCrumbs API call.

Attaching metadata to conversations

You can attach additional metadata to every new conversation started by the app user via a very simple mechanism provided by the SDK. This metadata can range from user-name, email etc to game scores, current game levels and any other data relevant to creating a suitable context to each new conversation.

  • While metadata can be set anytime, it will only be sent to the Agent Dashboard when customer starts a new conversation.
  • As soon as an end user opens the conversation screen, they see a greeting message, and the conversation is considered active.
  • All the modified metadata (updated during an active conversation) will only be sent with the next conversation that end user starts.

Adding metadata with API options


Metadata should only be sent as String key-value pairs.

The iOS SDK allows adding of metadata by using reserved constant key HelpshiftSupportCustomMetadataKey and NSDictionary as its value in withOptions: param of support API's,

  • showConversation:withOptions:

  • showFAQs:withOptions:

  • showFAQSection:withController:withOptions:

  • showSingleFAQ:withController:withOptions:

The SDK will send data which is given as NSDictionary in options as custom data for the new conversation.

Example usages:

HelpshiftAPIConfigBuilder *builder = [[HelpshiftAPIConfigBuilder alloc] init];
builder.customMetaData = [[HelpshiftSupportMetaData alloc] initWithMetaData:@{@"usertype":@"paid", @"level":@"7", @"score":@"12345"}];
HelpshiftAPIConfig *apiConfig = [builder build];
[HelpshiftSupport showFAQs:self withConfig:apiConfig];

Adding metadata using setMetadataBlock API


Metadata should only be sent as String key-value pairs.

Developers can still use the setMetadataBlock: API to provide a block which returns an NSDictionary object containing the key-value pairs which make up the metadata.The signature of the metadataBlock is typedef NSDictionary* (^metadataBlock)(void);

[HelpshiftSupport setMetadataObjectBlock:^(void){
return [[HelpshiftSupportMetaData alloc] initWithMetaData:@{@"name":@"xyz",

Please make sure that the objects and keys are NSStrings only. HelpshiftSupportCustomMetadataKey will take preference over setMetadataBlock

Attaching tags with metadata


On tag names & compatibility

  • Applicable to SDK v4.0.0 & above.
  • HSTags must be created in the Helpshift Dashboard (Settings → Tags), otherwise they will be ignored.
  • HSTags must be lowercase since the dashboard automatically converts tags to lowercase. The tags present on the dashboard must exactly match the HSTags.

You can attach tags with metadata to every new conversation via a reserved key constant HelpshiftSupportTagsKey to be used with setMetadataBlock: or to pass in withOptions: of support API's (supported from v4.2.0 and above) (of type NSDictionary) to pass NSArray(of only NSStrings) which get intepreted at server and added as Tags for the every new conversation.

If an object in NSArray is not of type NSString then the object will be removed from Tags and will not be added for the new conversation.

HelpshiftAPIConfigBuilder *builder = [[HelpshiftAPIConfigBuilder alloc] init];
builder.customMetaData = [[HelpshiftSupportMetaData alloc] initWithMetaData:@{@"usertype":@"paid", @"level":@"7", @"score":@"12345"}
andTags:@[@"feedback",@"paid user",@"v4.1"]];
HelpshiftAPIConfig *apiConfig = [builder build];
[HelpshiftSupport showFAQs:self withConfig:apiConfig];

Developers can still use the setMetadataBlock: API to pass tags.

[HelpshiftSupport setMetadataObjectBlock:^(void){
return [[HelpshiftSupportMetaData alloc] initWithMetaData:@{@"usertype": @"paid",
andTags:@[@"feedback",@"paid user",@"v4.1"];

Example of using a custom logging mechanism with metadata

Assume you have your own custom logging mechanism for apps that returns a URL (which takes you to your relevant log viewer), and you would want that URL to be sent with each new conversation the user initiates. Say you have a button "Send Feedback" in your application whose touch event is linked to a method sendFeedback: where you want to call Helpshift showConversation: or any other support session.Then you can implement something like:

- (IBAction) sendFeedback:(id) sender {

// Manage your UI for posting logs and retrieving URLs
// Post logs and retrieve URL
Send logs to your custom logs server
Retrieve log URL from response

// Set metadata with URL
[HelpshiftSupport setMetadataBlock:^(void){
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: URL, @"logURL",nil];

// Call Helpshift showConversation
[HelpshiftSupport showConversation:self];

Please make sure that the metadata is already present before presenting any support session.

Attaching Custom Issue Fields to conversations


On Custom Issue Fields keys & compatibility

  • Applicable to SDK v6.3.0 & above.
  • Custom Issue Fields must be created in the Helpshift Dashboard (Settings → Custom Issue Fields), otherwise they will be ignored. Read more here

You can attach Custom Issue Fields to every new conversation started by the user. A Custom Issue Field should have a key, a datatype, and a value. The Helpshift SDK allows the addition of Custom Issue Fields by using the customIssueFields method in the ApiConfig object. These Custom Issue Fields would be sent whenever a new conversation is started by the end user.

As soon as an end user opens the conversation screen, they see a greeting message, and the conversation is considered active. All the modified Custom Issue Fields (updated during an active conversation) will only be sent with the next conversation that end user starts.

Possible datatypes to be passed into the config are:

"sl"stringSingle line string with character limit of 255
"ml"stringMulti line string with character limit of 100,000
"n"stringString representation of number. For eg. "12345"
"dd"stringDrop-down options should exist for the given Custom Issue Field on dashboard. Value should be one of the values specified on the dashbaord for that dropdown.
"dt"stringString representation of epoch time in milliseconds. For eg. "1505927361535"
"b"stringString representation of boolean. For eg. "true" or "false". This corresponds to the checkbox type custom issue field on dashboard.


NSMutableDictionary *customIssueFieldsDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
/*The format for adding custom issue field is customIssueFieldsDict[@"<key>"] = @[@"<type>",@"<value>"];*/
customIssueFieldsDict[@"name"] = @[@"sl",@"John Doe"];
customIssueFieldsDict[@"address"] = @[@"ml",@"This is user's long bio"];
customIssueFieldsDict[@"level"] = @[@"n",@"42"];
customIssueFieldsDict[@"is_pro"] = @[@"b",@"true"];
customIssueFieldsDict[@"currency"] = @[@"dd", @"Dollar"];
customIssueFieldsDict[@"join_date"] = @[@"dt", @"1505927361535"];

HelpshiftAPIConfigBuilder *builder = [[HelpshiftAPIConfigBuilder alloc] init];
builder.customIssueFields = customIssueFieldsDict;
HelpshiftAPIConfig *apiConfig = [builder build];
[HelpshiftSupport showFAQs:self withConfig:apiConfig];

Debug logs


Starting iOS 10, Apple has deprecated support for the ASL library that was used to collect logs from the system automatically.

You may wish to send additional debug logs when an issue is filed. This can be acheived using HelpshiftSupport's addLog: API.

+ (void) addLog:(NSString *)message;

Example usage

- (void) userUpdatedSomeSetting:(NSString *)settingName {
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"User updated setting: %@", settingName];
[HelpshiftSupport addLog:message];


- (void) userVisitedCheckoutPage {
[HelpshiftSupport addLog:@"User went to checkout page"];

When an issue is filed by the user, these debug logs will be submitted as metadata.

Issue Archival

From version 5.7.0, Helpshift SDK includes support for archiving issues. Issues in Resolved or Rejected state for more than 12 months will be automatically archived. Once archived, issues cannot be reopened. This improves dashboard performance. Archived issues will be accessible to agents through the dashboard for future reference.


Check if there is an active Conversation

This API determines if there is currently an ongoing Conversation in the SDK. You can use [HelpsiftSupport checkIfConversationActive] and implement HelpshiftSupportDelegate method as shown below to get a boolean value that indicates whether there is an active Conversation open for the user. A Conversation is considered inactive when a user cannot respond with new messages on it.

As soon as an end user opens the conversation screen, they see a greeting message, and the conversation is considered active.

You can implement something like the following in the didCheckIfConversationActive delegate method:

- (void) didCheckIfConversationActive:(BOOL)isActive {
if (isActive) {
//Active Conversation
} else {
//No open Conversation

Check if an active Conversation has ended

If you want to keep track of when your users end an ongoing conversation, you can implement this delegate callback. This delegate is called whenever the ongoing conversation is resolved, rejected from the Dashboard, timed out or archived.

- (void) conversationEnded {
//Conversation has ended